Relief, Occupations and the Haiti Crisis (an event in Toronto)

I’ll be speaking with Dan Freeman-Maloy on Haiti in Toronto on Tuesday Feb 2.


Relief, Occupations and the Haiti Crisis:
Canada/US policy and the regional response

with Justin Podur and Dan Freeman-Maloy

Tuesday, February 2
Centre for Social Justice
489 College St (W of Bathurst), Suite 303
7 – 9pm

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Limited Compassion for Haiti

Everyone agrees that the Haiti earthquake is a serious situation. Serious enough for the US to send thousands of Marines, to take over the airport, to suspend Haiti’s sovereignty and take over the operation. Serious enough to unify the bitter partisan divide and put Bush, Clinton, and Obama together to raise funds. Serious enough for benefit concerts and the invention of new forms of philanthropy, where people can donate through their cell phones. But the Haiti earthquake is apparently not all that serious:

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