The US versus Holy Matrimony

With all the sanctimony about marriage being a sacred thing, one would be justified in wondering why the US is so insistent on massacring wedding parties in the countries it occupies. For example, the latest massacre of over 40 people at a wedding party in Iraq, by way of an AC-130 Gunship.

The little detail about the AC-130 in the story is actually key to understanding that it was a cold-blooded slaughter of innocents and not a mistake. I just learned about all this from reading Stan Goff’s ‘Full Spectrum Disorder’ (on which more later), where he describes the weapon. He describes it (I’m paraphrasing) as a gigantic cannon that fires huge depleted uranium rounds that can cut through anything, that essentially flies in a circular arc while maintaining the gun pointed at a target and vaporizing it. That is what was done to this wedding party. The US makes ‘no apologies’. Why? There were two dozen military-age males at the party! And they were close to the border with Syria. And they were in a rural area. Well, that’s enough for death by uranium rain. And no apology.

Remember that about two years ago, the US did another wedding party massacre, in Afghanistan (mentioned in this Fisk article).

The message: don’t get married if your country is occupied by the US. And if you are going to get married, don’t invite military aged males (MAMs, not to be confused with marriage-age males, unfortunately abbreviated the same way).

The US also raided Ahmed Chalabi’s home. Can’t say I understand that one. Chalabi was supposed to be one of their favourites. Perhaps someone in his family was planning to get married.

In related news, Israel has convicted Marwan Barghouti, in a court system famous for its fairness to Palestinians, of terrorism.

Author: Justin Podur

Author of Siegebreakers. Ecology. Environmental Science. Political Science. Anti-imperialism. Political fiction. Teach at York U's FES. Author. Writer at ZNet, TeleSUR, AlterNet, Ricochet, and the Independent Media Institute.