An Open Letter to Mitch Potter, on Truly Disgusting Racism

published in znet feb 13/07

Dear Mitch Potter,

It has been some time since you wrote me on September 10, 2006, in response to my blog post at of July 28, 2006. You wrote me with serious concerns that I had maligned your reputation – attaching, in your words, a slur to your name, and doing so “cavalierly”. I should have replied sooner, and for that I apologize.

I cannot, however, apologize for what I called you, “a truly disgusting racist”. In fact, going over your work over the past six months, I have to add that you are lazy, a liar, and a cliché-ridden writer.

I looked at your work on the Israel/Palestine conflict, including the Lebanon war but excluding solely domestic issues in Israel, from June 29 2006 to December 18 2006. That is 44 stories.

If the stories are an indication, you were in the region from June 29 – July 25, then again from September 2-September 16, again from October 30 – December 18. During that six month period you filed 4 stories from Gaza and 4 from Ramallah. You filed one from Pesagot Settlement in the West Bank and another from Haifa. You filed the other 34 stories from Jerusalem. If, as you suggest, it was premature to call you a truly disgusting racist after reading one story in which you liken Palestinians to rodents, perhaps we can agree that 44 stories (over 80,000 words) is enough to start to discern patterns.

The strong language (“truly disgusting racist”) came to mind for two reasons after reading your article (“After Hamas, another Somalia?”, July 9, 2006). First, because I knew instantly upon reading it that you would never liken Israelis to rodents, nor indeed to any other kind of animal, and you did not ever do so in any of the 44 stories I read, though you did use many disparaging terms to describe Palestinians and Lebanese (I’ll return to that below). Second, and more importantly, because your flippant use of language throughout your reporting obscures Israel’s genocidal policies towards the Palestinians.

Disgusting racism: Obscuring the disparity, causes, and consequences

“Genocidal” is another strong word. It means, according to the UN Genocide Convention, attempts to destroy a group of people. Most people only accept the definition if it also includes attempts to physically destroy a group, not just to culturally destroy them and displace them. With the whole world, starting with Canada, assisting in Israel’s starvation of the Palestinians, while Israel casually (should I say “cavalierly”?) kills dozens of Palestinians every week, and given the direction of Israel’s political and military changes, I think the label genocidal applies. So does Ilan Pappe, a historian at Haifa University, and one of the diverse Israeli expert sources that are readily available that you don’t speak to, favouring a homogeneous group of military and strategic studies experts from think-tanks close to the state.

You were in Gaza in July 2006. To get there you would have had to go through various checkpoints and fortified walls, something most Palestinians are not allowed to do. You were in a place where, by now, probably the majority of children are chronically malnourished and will suffer long-term developmental problems because of it. The two references to Gaza’s children that I found in your stories, though, were as follows. First, you noted how, because Israel had destroyed all the electricity supply in Gaza, that “entrepreneurial street kids who normally can be found hawking gum yesterday switched to candles at Gaza City intersections” (“The war of nerves in Gaza”, June 30, 2006). Second, that after Israeli planes flew over Gaza to create sonic booms (a story I will return to) you could hear children crying, which was “hardly surprising, given that half of the territory’s 1.4 million Palestinians are 15 or younger.” (“Sonic onslaught in Gaza”, July 1, 2006)

At any time, you could have looked around and seen what some (no one you would talk to, perhaps) call the Apartheid Wall but which you referred to, when you wrote about it (before July 2006), as the “separation barrier” or the “security barrier”. Does being Middle East Bureau Chief mean you have some say over the selection of graphics? Could you have published maps of the wall and the checkpoints, the cantonization of the West Bank, the locations of the artillery strikes in Gaza, or the cluster bombs in Lebanon? Could you have published them alongside the locations where all the Qassams or Katyushas landed in Israel? Could you have published the lists and numbers of casualties on both sides?

All this might have given your readers a better chance to understand what Israel is doing. And what Israel is doing is controlling every detail of Palestinian life, including such details as whether a person will live or die, watch their child or parent live or die, be taken off to prison to be tortured, watch their child or parent be taken, be allowed to leave their home, be allowed to leave their town through a massive gate in the massive wall, be allowed to see a loved one, be allowed to see a doctor, have food or fuel or medicine. These details are missing from your stories. So is the agenda behind them missing, which is to take the land of the Palestinians, remove them from it, and destroy those who resist. Both the details and the agenda are things you are in a position to know. The consequences are so serious for so many (starving, murdered, terrorized) people that presenting the conflict as if there is parity, the way you do in some stories, or from the point of view of Israel, the way you do in others, is not innocent deception, but complicity in a major, ongoing crime. That is what is truly disgusting about what you have done.

Human rights organizations document the disparity. According to B’Tselem, from the beginning of the second intifada in September 2000 to the end of January 2007, Palestinians had killed 1020 Israelis, 704 of whom were civilians, 119 of whom were children. According to the PCHR, up until September 2006, when you sent me your email, Israel had killed 3859 Palestinians, 3069 of whom were unarmed, 724 of whom were children. It had completely demolished 2831 Palestinian homes and partially destroyed 2427. It had leveled 37 square kilometers (an area 10% the size of Gaza) and destroyed 677 industrial facilities.

You also must know that the disparity has grown in recent years. For the period during which I looked at your work (July 2006 – December 2006), Israeli forces killed 479 Palestinians, wounded 1650, and arrested 1570. By contrast, Palestinians killed 4 Israeli security personnel and 2 Israeli civilians.

In your two stories on Louise Arbour’s visit to the region on November 22 and 23, you framed the issue in a way that assumed parity even as you reported massive disparity, with paragraphs like: “As Qassams keep falling (eight more yesterday, landing without causing injury) and Israel Defense Forces operations against Palestinian rocket-launchers in Gaza intensify (five dead yesterday, two of them civilians) Arbour diagnoses the violent stalemate as an acute ‘protection-of-civilians deficit,’” and “One day after decrying ‘massive’ Israeli violations of human rights against Palestinian civilians, Canadian Louise Arbour got a close-up view of Israeli suffering yesterday”. Here you made sure to put the word “massive” in quotes, perhaps to ensure that you not be seen calling Israeli human rights violations “massive” (what would be “massive” in your opinion, I wonder?). You separated Arbour’s words from your own when she was calling Israeli human rights violations “massive”, but you were willing to paraphrase her giving advice to the victims: “To paraphrase Arbour’s approach, a different message to the Palestinians might be, ‘Behave like a state. Be legal. Respect and enforce the law, including international law against rocket attacks on civilians.’” How you or Arbour thinks that imprisoned Palestinians suffering periodic massacres who starve at the whim of an occupying power that periodically massacres them can “behave like a state” is unclear – but a lack of clarity about the situation is precisely what your stories induce. But the worst line in your stories on Arbour is your approving introduction to Arbour’s most repulsive statements: “in that spirit, she is not about to be drawn into debate about the uneven death toll of the continuing violence.” Mitch, the uneven death toll matters. It matters on its own merits, and it matters as a clue to the causes, effects, and possibilities for a solution to the conflict. Your presentation, your endorsement, of Arbour’s cowardly refusal to “be drawn into debate” about this basic and fundamental point, helps obscure clear thinking and understanding about what is being done to the Palestinians.

Presenting massive disparity in victimization and crimes as if there is parity helps the victimizers. Helping victimizers who are conducting a campaign of massacre and ethnic cleansing is disgusting racism.

Disgusting racism: The partisan use of language

Another element of your racism comes from your use of language.

You likened Palestinians to rodents, something I cannot let you off the hook for even when you accompany it with quotations from sociologists. Not when you never used any animal analogies about Israelis, and never would.

You describe the Palestinian capture of an Israeli tank gunner by saying they “seized” him (September 12 and November 9). But the 1019 people Israel seized to take off to prisons, many of whom were children, many of whom were tortured, were “arrested” or “detained”, never “seized”.

Further on your use of the word “seized”, you use it elsewhere to make reactions to Israel’s aggression and destruction sound opportunistic. Hizbollah “seized” the leadership (July 16, quoting Buttu) and “seized” the moment (July 14). Indeed, when Israeli shelling killed 7 members of the same family, Palestinians “seized on” this, too, to end a ceasefire (how awful of them to treat the massacre of a family as a sign of the end of a ceasefire).

When you describe Palestinians’ Qassam rockets, which you know and have stated are militarily ineffective and basically a gesture of defiance, you describe them as a “scourge” (November 26) and a “blight” (November 28). You never used such words for Israeli shelling, bombing, and gunfire, which regularly kill dozens of people. These you usually describe as “errant” (November 10 and November 23), although once, and only once, you used the world “horrific” (November 13) to describe the massacre of 19 people by shellfire you elsewhere called “errant”.

By far your most disgraceful use of language comes from the story (July 1) in which you make light of Israeli sonic booms to terrorize Gaza’s population, already starving in the dark. This is so repugnant that readers might not believe it unless quoted at length:

“Then, two teeth-rattling whumps course through your body at thousandth-of-a-second intervals, packing so colossal a wallop they simply defy description. Whump-whump. You, my friend, have just been carpet-boomed. Something in the neighbourhood of 139 decibels of wakey-wakey courtesy of your friendly, neighbourhood Israeli F-16 warplane… How to explain the oomph of a sonic boom in Toronto terms? Say that someone chops down the CN Tower and it lands beside your head. Say they chop down a second CN Tower and it lands on the other side a nanosecond later. And say that, at the very moment of impact, a cardiac surgical team shouts, “Charging to 120 – Clear!” and proceeds to defibrillate your torso…You laugh at the alarm clock on the bedside table, and your earlier worries you might sleep through its ring. Not to worry. Another F-16 should be by in an hour or so. And another after that.”

“Wakey-wakey”, “Oomph”, “Whump-whump”, “boom-boom”, and “carpet-boomed”, are how you write about the threatening actions of an air force that destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, dropped 500-pound bombs into crowded apartment complexes, and has killed hundreds of people in the very zone from where you wrote your clever quips.

Compare this story to your piece on people in Haifa on July 15, who were going through “fretful days” because Hizbollah’s rockets, which you had described as “terrifying” (July 14) had fallen on them. You celebrated the “resilience of the thriving port city” and the “resilience” of its mayor. I saw no references to Palestinian “resilience” in the 44 stories of yours that I read. Nor did I see any reference to Israel’s sonic booms, to say nothing of its artillery and bombing attacks, being “terrifying”.

As for the mayor of Haifa, who in your eyes exemplifies Haifa’s resilience, you quote him saying about the Palestinians and Lebanese that “now we have the right to take them hostage. We have the right to destroy them.” You let this pass without comment, but you referred to Nasrallah’s speeches (July 16) as “invective rich” and “counterfactual bluster”.

On July 22, you explained an alliance between Hamas and Hizbollah by using a “timeworn Arabic adage, ‘Me and my brother against my cousin.’ What the Hamas-Hezbollah dynamic augurs now is the possibility of a religious realignment that could introduce the other half of that parable: ‘Me and my cousin against the world.’ Or, if not the world, Israel.“ Would it ever occur to you to explain Israeli politics or alliances by reference to timeworn Hebrew adages, or would that seem to you to be anti-semitic? It would, to me.

In the same story of July 22 you demonstrated your mind-reading capacities: “Hezbollah, with its daily shower of random rocket fire into northern Israeli towns and cities, is clearly intent upon killing civilians.” I saw no statement from you about what Israel’s intent was in all the massacres of civilians that have occurred while you have written about the conflict. As you may know (but haven’t yet reported that I saw), estimates of deaths in the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006 are that Israel killed over 1100 Lebanese, most of whom were civilians, and that Hizbollah killed 119 Israeli soldiers and 43 Israeli civilians. And yet, even now, I bet you are willing to stand behind your statement that Hizbollah was “intent on killing civilians” but that Israel was not. You are willing to impute motives and intent to some, but not others.

These are all signs of racism, and they are disgusting.

Laziness, lies, and clichés

It would be too much to expect you to cover the carnage proportionately by reporting on Palestinian suffering 80 times as much as Israeli suffering (of course 80 times underestimates the disparity, since Israelis control every detail of Palestinian life and use that control to abuse, humiliate, and degrade at whim). But rather than fail to capture this incredible disparity, you inverted the relationship and gave a disproportionate voice to the victimizers. In your 44 stories, you used about 170 sources. 100 of these were Israeli, 39 were Palestinian, and 31 were other (Lebanese, US, or European). To say you used 39 Palestinian sources overstates the case: You used two sources (Diana Buttu and Saeb Erekat) 3 times each, and another (Ghassan Khatib) twice: all three of these are on the same negotiating team and members of the same political faction. You have about a half-dozen other sources (businessmen Sam Bahour and Ali Abu Shahla, academics Naji Shurab and Nader Izzat Said, mental health spokesman Marwan Diab), and another half-dozen “man-on-the-street” interviews. The rest of the Palestinian voices in your articles come second-hand, from television or other media.

Your list of Israeli contacts seems much more impressive, by contrast, particularly in think tanks and universities. The majority of your stories, even on Palestinian questions, are anchored by analysts at Israeli think tanks (Shalem Center, Jaffee Center, Reut Center), by Israeli analysts writing in newspapers (Alex Fishman in Yediot Aharonot), or Israeli academics (at Tel Aviv University or the Hebrew University in Jerusalem). Most of your stories follow a predictable pattern: Some news reported from wire services or media, followed by some analysis by an Israeli columnist in Ma’ariv or Yediot Aharonot, concluding with some analysis by an Israeli expert at a think-tank or university. Recent stories following this pattern are December 18, December 15, December 1, and November 28. Your recourse to Israeli experts and Palestinians close to President Abbas, and the absence of government officials from Hamas, leads to an especially unbalanced view of the fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah. Do you consider yourself to be part of the boycott against the government the Palestinians elected? You frequently mention how Hamas is supported by various Muslim countries, but I didn’t see (I may have missed) references to the supply of cash and weapons to Fatah in Gaza by the US. In the context of starvation, that supply and support makes the conflict in Gaza more of a proxy war than a civil war. But that perspective, widely understood by many Palestinians and Israelis, people both inside and outside the region, is unavailable to your readers. Because of you. At best, this is laziness. Regardless of cause, it has serious consequences.

Though most of your lies are by omission and were discussed above, the article by Daniel Freeman-Maloy, which I referred to in my original blog post shows one direct lie:

“On June 30… Potter made the following assertion: ‘Despite five days of international headlines there has been but a single death – that of kidnapped 18-year-old Israeli hitchhiker Eliyahu Asheri.’”

Freeman-Maloy pointed out that two children aged 2 and 17 had been killed on June 28 at Khan Yunis by unexploded shells. The New York Times caught these deaths, though you didn’t. On June 22, Israeli special forces assassinated a member of the al-Aqsa Martys Brigades in Ramallah. In the week June 22-28, Israeli forces wounded 6 Palestinians, including 3 children, according to PCHR. Asserting a single death was dishonest, given how much violence had been meted out to Palestinians over the summer. Not correcting it in light of information makes it a lie, the worse because several Palestinians were killed even as Canadians were reading your story of a single death.

As for your use of clichés, I have already pointed out how your story of July 1 made light of the terror of Israel’s sonic booms. But your writing is replete with clichés, of Palestinians “enflamed” with “militant rhetoric”, of Hizbollah “well-armed, well-trained and well-acquainted with the promise of martyrdom” conducting an “unprovoked kidnap raid”, of Hamas “sworn to Israel’s destruction”, of Israeli soldiers “getting their boots dirty”, Israelis worrying about “a thousand pound gorilla of a question”. All these clichés, and this is but a small sample, have the same effect: debasing the gravity of the situation, defiling and dehumanizing the victims, and confusing readers as to causes and possible solutions.

Why bother?

My original intention was to look at all of your work since the second intifada began. But I had neither the time nor the stomach for such an exercise, so instead I confined myself to the 44 stories you filed on Israel/Palestine over the past 6 months. I think we both know this was a fruitless exercise on my part in any case. Each of the things I pointed out, you will minimize, rationalize, or find some excuse for. I could tell you how to do your job better. I could give you lists of people, Palestinians and Israelis, you could interview to diversify your sources considerably, facts and arguments you could read, ideas you could expose yourself to so that you could decide where you stood and report both the range of views and justify honestly why you hold yours.

But we both know what would happen if you were fair: if you interviewed a more diverse set of sources, conveyed the massive disparities and the power interests at work, and showed something other than contempt for the lives and thoughts of Palestinians. We know that a person who was fair would not sit long as Middle East Bureau Chief for the Toronto Star, but would face pressure for being, in your words, “overempathetic to the plight of Palestinians” (Interesting that you used “plight” in your email to me. In the past six months you used the word “plight” three times, always to describe Israelis – air force commander Halutz, Israel in general, and tank gunner Shalit, never to describe Palestinians). That pressure would eventually cost such a person his or her job. And whatever you have done with it, no doubt it is a comfortable and interesting job. In the society we’re in, to get and keep such a job requires either overt or covert partisanship for the powerful. Your reporting is a mix of both, and neither you nor our society are going to change any time soon. My hope is not for you, then, but for your readers. I hope that some of them realize that going to you for information on the Israel/Palestine conflict is a good way to be deceived and confused, and that there are far better sources.


Justin Podur

Mitch Potter’s letter:

Sept 10, 2006

Mr. Podur,

Whatever you may think of my work, how in good conscience do you come to brand me “a truly disgusting racist” in a public forum?

I have been called many things in my time in the Middle East — in fact, the dominant thrust of my critics after nearly five years of reporting from the region is that I am overempathetic to the plight of Palestinians. But “truly disgusting racist” is an altogether new low.

You completely misunderstand the intent of the phrase “lemming-like,” which in fact was written to remind readers of the terribly mismatched battles in Gaza, battles that I have written about repeatedly since 2002. It goes like this: whenever an Israeli armoured column so much as nudges the edge of a refugee camp, lightly armed gunmen from Izzidine al-Qassam Brigades, Al Aksa Martyr Brigades and as many as a half-dozen other groups at any given time pour forth to their almost certain death.

I have asked Palestinian militant leaders many times why they pursue this particularly self-defeating strategy of confronting Israeli tanks, when these very same groups have demonstrated a greater military sophistication in the planning and execution of certain other attacks, such as the June 24 tunnel-born raid that resulted in the capture of Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit.

The answer is that the reaction is by rote. Or, rather, lemming-like. When tanks are on the doorstep, emotion takes over, and many Palestinian fighters launch themselves spontaneously into the losing end of a decidedly unfair fight. Some Israeli military officials, in fact, have been quoted as calling these engagements “unfair” in Israel’s favour for that very reason.

According to sociologists I have spoken to and quoted extensively from Gaza (Google my article the “Lost Boys of Gaza” for context) the impulse is somehow connected to feelings of powerlessness. In other words, Palestinian fighters are drawn out not by the promise of certain death, but rather, the subconscious need to feel they are somehow taking control of a situation that has left their entire community powerless.

Sociologists also say a similar impulse contributes to the high casuality rate among Palestinian boys. In Palestinian society, as in the broader society of the Arab world, the father is the traditional symbol of power and authority. Yet many of the boys of Gaza appear to be turning away from their helpless fathers and instead identify more with the “father figure” of armed gunmen in their streets, who are the only ones to demonstrate strength. There are many terrible ways that children die by Israeli weaponry. But one of them, I believe, includes the fact that the children are drawn to being with the militants in the streets.

It is sick. And the sickness, in my view, is one of the by-products of multiple generations of Israeli occupation.

The reality of daily print journalism is that not every story comes replete with the context it deserves. There is neither the space nor the time. And the story you cite on your Blog could have benefited from more.

That said, I have written dozens of lengthy, contextual reports from Gaza, the West Bank and many points beyond that have an afterlife on the Web. I challenge you to find even one to support the slur you so cavalierly attach to my name.


Mitch Potter

Middle East Bureau Chief

Toronto Star of Canada

From Mitch Potter

In response to my blog post of July 28, 2006, in which I called him a “truly disgusting racist”, Mitch Potter, the Middle East Bureau Chief of the Toronto Star, wrote the below to me on September 10, 2006 (last year).

I prepared a reply which I will post tomorrow, but I thought I would post his letter to me here first.

(I also watched the preview screening of Amu, which I’ll try to get a review of up soon.)

Mitch Potter’s letter to me:

Mr. Podur,

Continue reading “From Mitch Potter”

The new generation of paramilitaries

Things are moving fast in Colombia. I’ll try to get some things out here over the next few days.

I noted a few days ago that one of the key witnesses in the current Salvatore Mancuso hearings, Yolanda Izquierdo, was murdered. Just a little later, President Alvaro Uribe Velez threatened former members of M-19, a guerrilla group that went into politics at tremendous cost to themselves (many, many of them were murdered, many others imprisoned, and so on, while the people who killed them are free as can be, uninvestigated and unpunished), by calling them “Terrorists dressed as civilians”. Uribe was taking a desperate shot because his own links to paramilitaries are being uncovered.

A couple of days after Uribe’s “terrorists dressed as civilians” comment, various members of social organizations, unions, and alternative media folks received death threats signed by the next generation of paramilitaries, a group calling themselves the “Black Eagles”. So, we have one group of paramilitaries confessing, “demobilizing”, and “reintegrating” into society – giving them the opportunity to openly infiltrate every part of society – and another group “rearming” and eagerly taking up the slack.

I’ve republished the threat email below, thanks to the colombia support network, and the original in spanish below that. You’ll note it uses the exact same language as Uribe used.

CSN ‘s Note: In the past several days, Senator Gustavo Petro of the Polo Democratico Party, the alternative opposition party whose Presidential candidate finished second in the 2006 elections with 2.6 million votes, has been presenting information uncovered showing the links between the illegal paramilitary forces and Colombian political figures in Antioquia state, and suggesting a debate on this. Among the persons mentioned as collaborating with the paramilitaries is Santiago Uribe Velez, who is a brother of President Alvaro Uribe Velez. The following anonymous message, which has been circulated widely in Colombia since it appeared yesterday, contains clear threats directed at Senator Petro and the Polo Democratico. The Polo uses the color yellow as its identifying color. The reference to yellow in the message is, therefore, a threat against Polo party members. Note the reference to U.S. support of President Uribe¹s policies as a guarantee for the paramilitaries¹ proposed murder campaign.

Please write to your Congressional Representative and Senators to express your serious concern about these threats, and write to President Bush and Secretary of State Rice to tell them you want the U.S. government to make clear to President Uribe that it expects President Uribe to investigate these threats, prosecute those responsible for them, and provide protection for Senator Petro and other leaders and members of the Polo Democratico. Any future U.S. aid to Colombia should be conditioned upon the Uribe government providing these protections and permitting the revelations by Senator Petro and others to go forward.

³Communique to all those servile kneeling persons camouflaged as civilians²
³Colombia free of communists, armed political arm of the Ex-AUC²
³Fronts: Capital, Central, Sur, Caribe,Llanos, Nororiente, Nueva Generacion, Aguilas Negras ( Capital, Central, Caribbean, Plains, Northeast, New Generation, Black Eagles)
³We identify ourselves with the security policy of President Alvaro Uribe Velez; we are with him until the final victory over the communists disguised and camouflaged as civilians who continue to serve the insurgency of the FARC. We are one step away from realizing the greatest dream of our president, which is the consolidation of the communitarian state and the new political-administrative division of Colombia. This is the best agreement which we have been able to achieve since the meetings of Ralito. Up to the present we have carried on a campaign of cleaning out all of the social slag who are said to call themselves defenders of human rights, social leaders, labor union leaders, politicized ex-guerrillas, and clearly headed by an insignificant group of poor quality lawyers who say that they are going to bring the president to judgment for his past, as if we were not also aware of the dirty past which all of them together have.

We are undertaking from this moment a frontal war to the death against all those who hide behind their cover of façade, NGO¹s, rebel daily newspapers, tiny offices, houses of ³protection² of false democrats. We will go to their houses, buildings, offices, universities, we are going to haul them out publicly before the media so that the country can see the small class of person who awaits them if they change the course of the policy of security.

From this moment on we are going to apply the death penalty to the traitors of the fatherland, those who spend their time seeking asylum because they are scared t death in their country, shameless sons of bitches who turn their backs on their people, who steal the monies which come from other countries to these NGO¹s to serve the community, foundations camouflaged as benefactors who are nothing more than thieves of the future of our country.

Therefore, it is our reason for this new crusade, which we will carry out hand in hand with the national army and the armed forces of Colombia, to cleanse ourselves of what crap is left in the house.

Our immediate military objective is the execution of the disguised communists who hide themselves in the Polo Democratico, NGO¹s which ³protect² kneeling in a servile way the FARC, and those new revolting bolivarian movements which have begun to transcend our sovereignty and betray the democratically elected government in Colombia. NO MORE WITH YOU CAROUSING (parranda) SONS OF BITCHES.

The only dignified way out which they have is LEAVING THE COUNTRY. We will not permit them to continue with their actions of supposed democracy, since we know well that what they are hiding is the last strategy which is left to the FARC for taking powerŠof course with the petrodollars of Chavez and his communist ideology of crap. THEY CANNOT.

The North American people at the head of their present government know very well that you will not be the future of our country. We can count upon the military and technical support which will guarantee us a sweeping victory over the insurgents and their servile supporters (arrodillados).

Everyone should know that behind each one of those who say they are defenders of human rights, social leaders and poor quality lawyers, camouflaged journalists, and every ex-guerrilla who believes he is untouchable, after (de xada) there will be one of our commandos following his actions day and night, and his ties with the FARC, the ELN, and any other little group which may appear.

We will uncover them before the country and the world, showing the falsity which is hidden behind these ³innocent² little faces.

We will judge them in accord with their actions, massacring them in public squares so that the people will recognize the social justice which these traitors to the country deserve.

We will do away with you through your families, your children and your loved ones who will give their lives thanks to your dirty, cowardly acts, which you do not face up to, and for that reason your families will pay dearly for your error.

As far as the poor lawyers such as those of the collective and other NGO¹s and ex-guerrillas of the Polo who say they are going to judge the president, we warn them that these risky actions will cost them blood.

Now they will see what awaits them, these idle sons of bitches.

Tuesday, February 13ŠA yellow one is in sight!!!!!!!!!

Could it be that they will dare to meet and judge the president.

You now have your time up!

Death to the kneeling supporters of the FARC camouflaged as civilians

Death to false leaders, defenders and poor quality persons

Out of Colombia disguised communists

Total war to cleanse Colombia

Colombia Forever Free!!!!! !!!!!!





Nos identificamos con la politica de seguridad del presidente Alvaro Uribe Velez, estamos con el hasta la victoria final sobre los comunistas disfraszdos y los camuflados de civil que siguen sirviendo a la insurgencia de las FARC, estamos a un paso de conseguir el mayor sueño de nuestro presidente que es la consolidación del estado comunitario y la nueva division politicoadministrativa de Colombia, ese es el mejor acuerdo que hemos podido realizar desde los encuentros de ralito, hasta el momento hemos liberado una campaña de limpieza de toda esa escoria social que dicen llamarse defensores de los derechos humanos, lideres sociales, sindicalistas, exquerrilleros politizados, y claro encabezados por un grupo insignificante de abogaduchos de pacotilla que dicen van a llevar al presidente a juicio por su pasado, como si ya no supieramos tambien ese puerco pasado que estos todos en conjunto ocupan.

Libraremos desde este momento una guerra frontal a sangre y fuego contra todos esos que se esconden tras sus guaridas de fachada, ongs, diarios rebeldes, oficinitas, casas de “proteccion” de falsos demócratas, iremos a sus casa, edificios, oficinas, universidades,les vamos a sacar públicamente ante los medios para que el pais vea la clasesita de gentuza que les espera si cambian el rumbo de la politica de seguirad,
Vamos a aplicar desde este momento la pena de muerte a los traidores a la patria, aquellos que la pasan pidiendo asilo por que se cagan de miedo en su pais, sinvergüenzas hijueputas que le dan la espalda a su gente, que se roban los dineros que de otros paises llegan a esas ongs para servir a la comunidad, fundaciones camufladas de benefactores que no son otra cosa mas que ladrones del futuro de nuestra patria.
Por eso es nuestra razon de esta nueva cruzada que haremos de la mano con el ejercito nacional y las fuerzas armadas de Colombia, limpiaremos lo que queda de mierda en la casa,

Nuestro objetivo militar inmediato es la ejecución de los comunistas disfrasados que se esconden en el polo democratico, ongs que “protegen” arrodillados serviles a las FARC, y esos nuevos movimientos revoltosos bolivarianos que han empezado a transcender nuestra soberania y traicionan al gobierno elegido democráticamente en Colombia. NO MAS CON USTEDES PARRANDA DE HIJUESPUTAS

La unica salida digna que tienen es el DESTIERRO , no permitiremos que continuen con sus acciones de supuesta democracia cuando ya bien sabemos que lo que esconden es la ultima estrategia que les queda a las FARC para tomarse el poder ….claro con la ayuda del los petrodólares de chavez y su ideología comunista de la mierda, NO PODRAN

El pueblo norteamericano en cabeza de su gobierno actual saben muy bien que Ustedes no seran el futuro de nuestra patria, contamos con el apoyo militar y tecnico que nos garantizara una victoria contundente sobre los insurgentes y sus serviles arrodillados,

Deben saber todos ustedes que tras de cada uno de aquellos que dicen ser defensores del derecho humano, lideres sociales y abogaduchos de pacotilla, periodistas camuflados, y todo exguerrillero que se crea intocable, tras de xada uno habra un comando de los nuestros siguiendo dia y noche sus acciones, sus nexos con las FARC, el eln, y cualquier otro grupito que aparezca,
Los desnudaremos ante el pais y el mundo, mostrando la falsedad que esconden tras de esas “inocentes “ caritas.
Les juzgaremos conforme a las acciones masacrandoles en plazas publicas para que el pueblo conozca la justicia social que se merecen los traidores a la patria,

Acabaremos con Ustedes por medio de sus familias, sus hijos y seres queridos daran su vida por culpa de sus actos sucios, cobardes que no dan la cara y por eso sus famitas pagaran caro su error.

En cuanto a los abogaduchos esos del colectivo y otra ongs y los exguerrilleros del polo que dicen que van a juzgar al presidente, les advertimos que tales atrevimientos les costaran sangre,

ya veran lo que les espera hijueputas sin oficio.

Martes 13 de Febrero……..Un amarillo esta en la mira!!!!!!!!!

Sera que se atreve a sesionar y enjuiciar al presidente,

Usted ya tiene su tiempo listo!






The coming robot and counterinsurgency armies

Hello from Alberta. I’m here giving a few talks with En Camino, a collective I belong to that works principally on Colombia solidarity. I have a series of talks that I’ve given in over the past few months that might be worth writing out and posting, I may do that as a series here.

Alberta is an interesting place, a very different part of Canada, and one that anyone who is concerned about Canada and what it is doing should study and understand. The city I am in, Calgary, and its University, created and supplies the intellectual basis for the regime that is currently in power in Canada. The ideas and policies, the networks and organizations, are developed here. The deals are made here. The money was made here. And so on. It is certainly something I’ve been thinking about and have been meaning to study more carefully.

When on the road I do things I don’t normally do, like read magazines (my reading is generally from books or online), and I picked up a copy of Harper’s on the road from Edmonton to Calgary.

Two articles caught my interest. The first, by Edward Luttwak of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, on counterinsurgency, and the other by freelance writer Steve Featherstone, on “the coming robot army”.

The counterinsurgency article was more interesting, so I’ll deal with it second. Featherstone’s piece on robots describes in scary detail the operation of the next generation of remote-control military equipment.

There are already unmanned drones of all kinds, but the next generation has more power: robots that can climb walls, coordinate with other camera-carrying, intelligence-gathering robots to create a complete picture of the battlefield. The robots are part of a “kill chain” that will enable the US military (which is the only one I think could afford such things) to inflict more casualties and do more damage with reduced casualties. The generation of robots after this one will be able to make decisions and operate quite independently of remote control.

Featherstone extrapolates ethical issues that I don’t think are the right ones. He raises a hypothetical: suppose a drone, following orders, kills a family in the home of an insurgent. Who is responsible? I don’t think this is such a complex issue: it has never been the case that soldiers who commit war crimes are solely culpable. It has always been the case that militaries (and bureaucracies) are organized specifically to diffuse responsibility away from individuals. So people who make the decision to go to war are culpable just as soldiers are. And to the degree that a society is democratic, we’re all culpable to the degree that we have the power to change a policy and don’t.

What I wonder though is whether the robotification of the army has limits. Does the complexity and expense of the organization of an army that uses robots heavily create vulnerabilities? Is such an organization good at some things and not others? And, leading into Luttwak’s article, given that no military can stand against the US military and we’re talking about an army that will be fighting relatively defenceless populations, what are the effects of using such an army on a population?

Luttwak’s argument is as follows. Counterinsurgency is a political and not a military problem and so the astounding and increasing firepower the US brings to bear in Iraq (or Afghanistan), and its ability to kill without taking casualties (which the US population is sensitive to) becomes irrelevant in the face of insurgents who will hide among the population, passively protected by the population, rather than fight against vastly superior firepower. Why does the population support insurgents, Luttwak asks? Because the insurgents are willing to out-terrorize the occupier. Cooperation with the occupier is punished with terrible reprisals. The political solution to this, used by the Romans, the Ottomans, the Nazis, is to be willing to out-terrorize the insurgents. Some high profile massacres will do the job, but the US, because of principled opposition to massacres, won’t do so. The only thing that might help the US if it is unwilling to out-terrorize, is to be willing to govern. But since the US wants to leave governance to the locals, its counterinsurgency program is doomed.

I thought about this a while before I could identify the problems with it, and there are several.

The first is that it assumes that the US has benevolent intentions – Luttwak says that the problem is that Iraqis and Afghans prefer local oppression to the freedoms brought by occupiers. But Luttwak knows that empires (from the Romans to the Nazis) don’t occupy for benevolent reasons.

From the assumption of benevolent empires, it is natural to suggest that support for insurgency comes from terrorizing the population. The reality is more complex. Reprisals are part of the picture, to be sure. So is nationalism, dignity, vengeance against the occupier, and legitimacy, which Eqbal Ahmad, for example, emphasized in his writings on anti-colonial warfare.

Third, the assumption that principle prevents the US from massacring people is false. The US did massacre people in Fallujah, mainly for the demonstrative reasons that Luttwak argues the US would never massacre. There is something to the idea that communication of atrocities to populations with a degree of control over decision-makers can reduce atrocities (something that didn’t exist in Roman or Ottoman times). But if that communication must take place through centralized media corporations and propaganda systems that are part of the system of power, that frees empires to commit the demonstrative massacres Luttwak argues would bring places like Iraq under control.

If Luttwak is wrong, a couple of possibilities follow. One is that Iraq is, for US purposes, under control. That’s hard to believe, but I do think the current situation is more beneficial to the Bush regime, and those who wanted the war in Iraq in the first place, than many think. The alternative though is that the reason US counterinsurgency “fails” (and I repeat that I think it’s more successful than many) is for some reason other than its unwillingness to terrorize. I think it is probably a question of legitimacy – but Iraq, like Palestine, is a place where anyone with any legitimacy is targeted for destruction by the empire. When no one has legitimacy, there is chaos. And chaos, while it may not be as good for empire as stable imperial control, might be a good imperial second choice.

The second phase of Plan Colombia

So, we’ve had seven years of Plan Colombia which was initiated, famously, with 1.3 billion from the US and an additional 4-5 billion of Colombians’ money. The money paid for helicopters, mainly, and other military hardware and support to the Colombian army to fight ‘drugs’ – mainly to provide military support for aerial fumigation. It’s been 7 years with no effect on drug supply or demand, though there have been ‘successes’ in other realms – to which I’ll return. But first, the news – that after 7 years of Plan Colombia, they’re entering a second phase, according to El Tiempo, Colombia’s national newspaper (article below). Its features:

-It is around $44 billion pesos to start, which is about $23 million USD
-The “international community” will provide 30%
-It is a 6-year plan, going to 2013
-Over the course of the plan, some $3.6 billion USD will come from the US, $9 billion USD from Europe and Asia
-86% of the plan will go to ‘development’, 14% to military expenditure against ‘drugs’.

The first plan had the following features.

-Between 2000-2006, the US put $4.7 billion USD into Plan Colombia, the Europeans about $1 billion, and Colombia $7.5 billion.
-57% of this went to ‘fighting drugs’, 43% to ‘social investment’

In the very same edition of El Tiempo, we get a sense of the success of Plan Colombia. I have been a bit derilect in covering this here, but the shining jewel in the crown of Plan Colombia is the government’s negotiation with the paramilitaries, by which these mass murderers, who were always supported and trained and armed by the army and the US, confess their crimes, ‘reintegrate’ into society, and ‘put down their weapons’. The major media event in this is paramilitary commander Salvatore Mancuso’s ongoing confessions of his massacres, torture, and assassinations. This process, in which the government negotiates with itself and gives itself some benefits, has given rise to a movement of victims, families of victims of paramilitary massacre who have demanded truth and justice and who have entered the judicial process to have their voices heard.

One such courageous witness was Yolanda Izquierdo, who was murdered yesterday by a couple of gunmen on motorcycles. Her husband is dying. She had been threatened and had announced the threats in El Tiempo. Others: Freddy Abel Espitia, president of the Committee of the Displaced of Cotorra, killed on December 28.

The same article on Izquierdo’s murder provides a summary of some of the statistics from the Colombian Commission of Jurists, a human rights group, for the past 4 years.

20,102 killed
11,292 killed outside of combat
75.1% of killed outside of combat attributed to the state
397 per year, on average, killed by the guerrillas
1060 per year, on average, killed by the paramilitaries
1741 people killed in massacres
823 people tortured
6192 people arbitrarily detained

More than anything, this is a (partial) balance sheet of Plan Colombia itself, and one of the measures of its success. A full balance sheet would include the territories and resources that changed hands in the ‘agrarian counter-reform’ by which the paramilitaries displaced 4 million people from their land by way of these killings and massacres in order to hand the territory over for megaprojects. It would also include 3 more years of this. And changes to the constitution, the mining code, the labor law. The destruction of the labor movement and the social organizations. Someone is certainly profiting from all this, and wants to ensure that it continues, all the way to 2013.

Febrero 1 de 2007

Asesinan a mujer que asistió como representante de las víctimas a declaración de Salvatore Mancuso
Eran cerca de las 2 de la tarde cuando Yolanda y su esposo fueron abordados en la puerta de su casa por los dos sicarios.

Desde su asistencia a la primera versión libre del ex jefe paramilitar, en diciembre, comenzaron a llamarla para que se quitara del camino. Ayer, con seis tiros, dos sicarios sellaron las amenazas.

Yolanda Izquierdo acababa de salir a la puerta de su casa del barrio Rancho Grande de Montería, un humilde sector de la margen izquierda del río Sinú, para recibir a su esposo Francisco Torreglosa.

Dos hombres en motocicleta se les acercaron, cruzaron varias palabras con ellos y luego el parrillero disparó.

La campesina, que con el agricultor Manuel Argel encabezó la fila de víctimas de los paramilitares en las pasadas audiencias del ex jefe de las autodefensas Salvatore Mancuso, quedó tendida en el piso con seis tiros en el cuerpo. Su esposo, malherido, sigue en una clínica de Montería.

Corrieron a socorrerlo los vecinos, que desde agosto del año pasado vieron a Yolanda ir y venir en la búsqueda de certificados, mapas y escrituras que documentaban que ella y al menos otras 700 personas habían sido obligadas por los ‘paras’ a vender las parcelas que en 1990 les entregó la Fundación para la Paz de Córdoba (Funpazcor). Esta fue creada por los hermanos Castaño Gil y a través de ella Fidel, el fundador de las Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (Accu), entregó 10.000 hectáreas a 2.500 campesinos cuando se desmovilizó, en el 90, en respuesta al desarme del Epl, uno de los grupos que combatió.

Yolanda y Manuel se habían convertido en los voceros de los campesinos de esas tierras arrebatadas, vendidas o abandonadas a la fuerza desde el 2000, cuando comenzaron la presiones.

Yolanda denunció las amenazas en su contra a EL TIEMPO en la tercera semana de enero: “Cuando nos devolvimos para Córdoba, el 22 de diciembre, nos informaron que había una orden para matar a la mujer que coordinaba a las víctimas de Funpazcor, o sea a mí. Quieren que dejemos las cosas así”.

Personas cercanas al trabajo de los desplazados dicen que el crimen fue cometido por hacendados que están explotando las tierras que reclaman los campesinos.

La última advertencia para que Yolanda se quitara del camino fue el pasado jueves. “La llamó una mujer que dijo: Yolanda y Manuel, piérdanse que los van a matar”, le contó a este diario el abogado Mauricio Caballero, que representa a 863 víctimas de las Auc.

El jueves, el viernes, el lunes y ayer martes Yolanda fue a la Fiscalía a pedir protección. Los cuatro días, denuncia Caballero, le dijeron que debía esperar ocho días para que la solicitud hiciera trámite. “Yolanda era la que los alentaba a todos para que reclamaran sus tierras. Si no se hace nada, el próximo muerto va a ser Manuel”, afirma el abogado. El ataque contra la campesina, que a duras penas cargaba en el bolsillo lo del bus, es el tercero contra víctimas de las Auc en 15 días. Como si la idea fuera acabar con quienes están pidiendo justicia y reparación.

Los otros ataques

1. El domingo 28, desconocidos mataron a Freddy Abel Espitia, presidente del Comité de Desplazados de Cotorra (Córdoba).

2. El 20 de enero, le prendieron fuego a la sede de la Liga de Mujeres Desplazadas de Turbaco (Bolívar).

Buscó techo a muchos

Desde su desplazamiento, Yolanda Izquierdo lideró en Montería la Organización Popular de Vivienda (OPV), que dio techo a dos mil familias desplazadas.

Ella presentó el proyecto entre 1997 y 1998 y fue respaldado por la Alcaldía de la capital cordobesa.

“Nos dijeron que había una orden de matar a la mujer que coordinaba a las víctimas de Funpazcord, o sea a mí”.

Datos de 4 años

La Comisión Colombiana de Juristas presentó un informe sobre la situación de derechos humanos y del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, correspondiente al lapso junio de 2002 y julio de 2006. Algunos datos son:

Muertos: 20.102 personas murieron durante ese tiempo, incluyendo las muertes en combate.

Asesinatos: 11.292 personas fueron asesinadas o desaparecidas fuera de combate.

Estado: El 75,1 por ciento de las muertes fuera de combate se le atribuyeron al Estado.

Guerrilla: En promedio asesinó a 397 personas por año.

‘Paras’: En promedio asesinaron o desaparecieron a 1.060 personas cada año.

Masacres: 1.741 personas fueron muertas en masacres

Tortura: 823 personas fueron víctimas de este delito.

Detenciones: 6.192 colombianos fueron detenidos arbitrariamente durante este lapso.

The Children of Men

Watched “Children of Men” tonight. For those who don’t know, it’s one of those British dystopia movies – I think 28 Days Later and V for Vendetta fall into the category. It’s set in 2027, in a kind of business-as-usual bleak scenario, with an ongoing insurgency and an authoritarian government, but with the twist that no babies have been born in 18-some years. When a girl is found to be pregnant and is in the hands of the resistance, the protagonist has to try to get her to safety from the various groups that would do her harm or use her. I thought it was okay. It had some things that bothered me.

-The only trustworthy people in the movie were white… those in the resistance who turned out to be traitorous were black/brown.
-The pregnant girl, the quintessential single mother, happened to be black.
-The Islamic and Arab aspect of the rebellion in the refugee camp was overstated, I think, for the UK in 2027.
-The incompetence and lack of politics of the rebels was grating.
-I found it hard to believe that ordinary human and family relationships had been wiped out to that extent – even after 20 years of not having babies.

Perhaps these latter dislikes of mine are due to the writers being able to see farther than I can, as opposed to the writers’ limitations.

What I liked about the film:

-It seemed to capture the broad contours of a bleak future. Probably because it captures the broad contours of the bleak present. Dispossession, propaganda, violence, alienation, nowhere safe, no one to trust, a collapsing society and environment, and seemingly random violence.
-It captures this with very spectacular cinematography and effects. I didn’t like some of the military aspects of the major battle in the refugee camp, but it had some very significant realism as well, and captured the sights and sounds and terror of such situations very well.

But I return to the political problems that were inadequately handled. Were the writers just seeing to a future when genuine alternatives had been destroyed, when the process of their destruction had left resistances that long since lost their own ethical framework and could offer nothing to the population? Or was envisioning a battle between an authoritarian, diffuse, collapsing capitalist society and a genuine alternative, politically fought, beyond the ability of our moviemakers today? I mean, I think the future is as bleak as anybody, but I also think that there are people and organizations out there that are inspiring. I don’t think the fight for the future will be so bereft of decency, which can be found in some terrible situations. But maybe not all of them.

Israel, Apartheid, Avnery…

I read Uri Avnery’s piece in Counterpunch on Israeli Apartheid, cautioning against the use of the Apartheid analogy. Stephen Friedman and Virginia Tilley replied, providing interesting facts from the record on South African Apartheid.

When I read Avnery’s piece I thought it was a good conversation opener. There are things in it I disagreed with, some of which Friedman and Tilley address. And things that I think are good fodder for discussion.

The apartheid analogy has several merits. First, as pointed out by Avnery and by Friedman/Tilley, there are major elements that the systems of South African apartheid and Israeli apartheid share (Avnery thinks of these as methods, Friedman and Tilley argue that there is also substance). Uri Davis’s book, ‘Apartheid Israel’, describes the Israeli system very well. Second, when South Africa claimed that there were plenty of oppressive regimes in the world, the world replied that legally-enforced racism was a special affront that deserved a very high priority of international attention and pressure.

Avnery raises several cautions. One, the demographics are different. This is true, and makes Israel relatively stronger than South Africa was compared to the people it is trying to displace and destroy. Two, South Africa depended on indigenous labor, while Israel has successfully replaced Palestinian labor. Three, and Avnery doesn’t say it quite like this, but Israeli apartheid isn’t a system for exploitation, but ultimately for replacing the Palestinian population. I believe, and Friedman/Tilley may disagree with me, that Israel’s stance towards the Palestinians is fundamentally genocidal and it has opportunities and means for carrying this out that the South African white regime did not. This puts the Palestinians in a more precarious position than Black South Africans were in. And although Friedman/Tilley point out the facts of ethnic cleansing of Africans by whites in South Africa, the usefulness of the apartheid analogy should not blind us to the extra precariousness of the Palestinian situation and the genocidal campaign of Israel, exemplified by what is happening in Gaza.

I agree with Friedman/Tilley about how the limits of the apartheid analogy don’t necessarily lend support to Uri Avnery’s preferred solution to the conflict, a two-state solution. I also agree with Friedman/Tilley that the basis for a binational solution, with the right of return guaranteed (I wrote a little fiction about it a while ago) is not religious fundamentalism, as Avnery argues.

Some other differences. I’d like to remind readers of a nice piece by Joel Kovel in Tikkun arguing about how to end Israeli apartheid, making comparisons to South Africa, from May 2003. Here’s a very nice quote from that piece, on the differences:

There are of course important differences between Israel and apartheid South Africa. The latter was only a secondary (though not insignificant) client of the United States, inasmuch as it lacked strong domestic constituencies in America, and more importantly, was not a factor in controlling an area so strategic as the Middle East. Because South Africa is a wealthy and largely self-sufficient powerhouse, while Israel would collapse like a house of cards without the support of its patron, a much greater role would be given to organizing within the United States in the struggle against Zionism compared to the struggle against Apartheid. At the same time, the depth of the American-Israeli tie makes that organizing much more arduous, even as the present state of war and looming expulsion of the Palestinian people (ethnic cleansing was not significant for South Africa) gives it an immediate urgency. Prevention of the latter catastrophe necessarily provides the entry point into the struggle against Zionism, without altering the long term goal. And this is defined by the deep structural similarities between the two racist states.

Apartheid analysis leads naturally to the idea that the apartheid state should be isolated internationally, economically and politically, until it changes. And as Kovel says, this would lead in Israel to very rapid shifts. On the flip side, Israel is completely integrated with North American power, and will not be so easily isolated. Indeed, isolating Israel means defeating the political elites of the US (and Canada, for those interested, and so on) in a significant way: Israel is not something they will compromise on. That might be the most important thing an anti-apartheid campaigner can remember.

The reason they won’t give up easily is two-pronged. On the one hand, it is because supporting a “western” country like Israel to ethnically cleanse a west asian population comes naturally in the west. Racism means Israel is part of the family, Palestinians are not. On the other hand, it is the use of anti-racist feeling. The very reason that made it possible to isolate South Africa – that racism is a special affront – is a reason for many who don’t fully grasp what is being done to the Palestinians to support Israel. Jews have a long history of being the victims of racism. The struggle against anti-semitism is a moral issue. When support for Israel can be cast as part of that historical struggle, instead of the abomination of that struggle that it is, it can be cast as a moral issue that people will fight very hard for.

The history and even the particular forms that anti-semitism has taken (boycotts, for example) make thinking carefully about the tactics of a boycott/divestment/sanctions campaign against Israel imperative. Tactics that worked against South Africa can’t be adopted wholesale. Mostly white academics telling other white academics that they are not welcome because they represent the South African apartheid state looks different from mostly white academics telling Jewish academics they are not welcome because they represent the Israeli apartheid state. The massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich olympics means that a sports boycott against Israel would evoke very different feelings than the sports boycott against South African athletes.

Having discussed the differences, let me return to Kovel and the similarities by way of conclusion:

Here we need to remind ourselves that we are talking about changing the Israeli state. A state is not a society, a nation or a territory, but a mode of regulation and control, and the disposition of official violence. States control and direct society, contain nations, and command territories. The racist state aggrandizes one group by annihilating others, who essentially stand helpless before it. The Holocaust happened to state-less Jews, Gypsies, etc, who became the victims of the nihilism of a racist, Nazi state; similarly, state-less Palestinians have become victims of the nihilism of the racist, Zionist state. Given the nihilistic violence built into the Zionist state, it is reasonable to say that such an outcome is in the interests of both the bodily and spiritual survival of the Jewish people.

Being “thrown into the sea” is a fantasy of projected vengeance. It is predicated on sustaining a racist state-organization into the future, forever surrounded by those it has dispossessed and humiliated. Therefore the chief condition to strive for is creation of a society in which the wheel of vengeance is put out of commission. And if this seems completely off the scale, especially so given the extreme violence built into the Israeli state, it is most important to recall the bringing down of the murderous apartheid state of South Africa—and to realize that if so great an accomplishment could be done there, then an equivalently great accomplishment can take place in Israel/Palestine.

… (snip) …

In a vision of a post-racist society we find, however, the moral force capable of inspiring and drawing in people of good will from all sides of the conflict. If such people were able to demand the downfall of apartheid, why should they not do the same for Zionism, and unify themselves under this banner? It will be a long and hard struggle, and only a vision worthy of its sacrifices will suffice for the path ahead.

To which I can only add that it will be a long and hard struggle, but one on which we’ll all have to account for the side we were on.

The Genocide Option in Iraq

An important commentary by Ed Herman on ZNet, where he makes the comparison to Vietnam that actually matters: that the US pursued genocidal policies in Vietnam and is moving towards the same in Iraq. I’ve written before that I dislike talk of how the US was “defeated” in Vietnam and I dislike any talk of “quagmire” for imperialists – the US walked away from Vietnam after having killed several million people and no one in the US answered for it. As for “quagmire”, it is an inversion of reality, implying that the US “can’t” leave for some reason, when in fact it can leave whenever it decides to, and isn’t leaving because it doesn’t want to. There is nothing to celebrate in these “defeats”. Iraq is deliberately created chaos, in which hundreds of people are being murdered every day. The planned US operations for the next few months are going to make things worse. Mass murder is occurring while we watch. It seems that our desensitization is proceeding on schedule.

Did the Americans kill the Ecuadorian Defense Minister?

Too early to know, but not too early to suspect foul play for Ecuador’s new Defense Minister for a left government that was planning a different relationship between Ecuador’s military and the United States, whose helicopter crashed very close to the US Manta Air Force Base, which the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa promised to close upon coming to power. Remember Guadalupe Larriva, and may her death, whether it was an accidental tragedy or a planned atrocity, hasten the removal of the air force base from that country.



25 de enero de 2007
«Las personas que transitan por la vida sembrando utopías, como una estrella en el firmamento, no mueren y se mantienen, por siempre, en el corazón de sus pueblos.» Guadalupe Larriva, Altercom, 26 de agosto de 2004
La Ministra de Defensa Nacional del Ecuador y Presidenta Nacional del Partido Socialista Ecuatoriano Guadalupe Larriva ha muerto, junto a los dos tripulantes de su helicóptero militar, en las inmediaciones de la Base Aérea de Manta, ocupada parcialmente por fuerzas extranjeras de origen estadounidense que realizan operaciones de caracter electrónico y vuelos sobre Ecuador y Colombia.
El accidente ocurrió pasadas las 20 horas. Los informes son todavía confusos, aunque se conoce por testigos presenciales que chocaron dos helicópteros de fabricación francesa. La hija de Guadalupe, Claudia Ávila Larriva, de 17 años, viajaba junto a su madre y también murió en el accidente.
La destacada dirigenta socialista, maestra, geógrafa, historiadora, escritora, ex legisladora, ocupó por nueve días la cartera militar del gabinete del Presidente Correa. Fue la primera mujer en ocupar ese ministerio en Ecuador, mantuvo en alto la tesis de revisar el denominado «Libro Blanco de las Fuerzas Armadas», rechazar las fumigaciones uribistas en nuestra frontera norte y negarse enfáticamente a que nuestros soldados intervengan en el Plan Colombia. Su prioridad fue la de vincular a las Fuerzas Armadas en el cambio profundo que reclama su pueblo y en que sean baluartes de la defensa de la Soberanía Nacional.
Guadalupe Larriva se destacó por su lealtad a la causa revolucionaria y al pueblo ecuatoriano, sufrió cárcel por sus ideas y su combate por la liberación de los oprimidos. Maestra destacada, profesora universitaria, fue presidenta de la Unión Nacional de Educadores de Azuay.
El colectivo de ALTERCOM, que fue honrado con su amistad y cooperación, se une al dolor que aflige a las revolucionarias y revolucionarios ecuatorianos por la pérdida de la destacada militante socialista. Lloramos su muerte y reclamamos su legado de integridad, honradez y valentía para la historia del Ecuador.
Altercom exige una investigación inmediata, plena y transparente de este accidente y sus circunstancias.
La Base Aérea de Manta debe volver a ser territorio soberano de la Patria de Guadalupe Larriva.
Agencia de Prensa de Ecuador. Comunicación para la Libertad.

Colombia is the model for Afghanistan

An AP article sent to me by Anthony Fenton describes how a US General (Pace) says that Colombia’s drug war is the model for the Afghanistan drug war.

I’m reproducing it below. The article contains critique from the decent and intelligent Adam Isacson, who notes that Colombia’s drug war is a disaster by any sane or decent measure.

But of course the stated goals of drug wars have little to do with the actual goals, as I’ve noted in my own comparison between Afghanistan and Colombia months ago.

In particular, the aspects of the model that aren’t discussed include:

-Getting the resources of the country in the hands of friends and allies

-Funding and arming forces to control territories and populations; handing those forces political and military power in exchange

-Establishing permanent bases and military control in a country as a foothold into an entire region; establishing military forces close to perceieved ‘threats’

These are the military logic of these campaigns, for which drugs are just a useful pretext…

See the article below.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press
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Associated Press Worldstream

January 20, 2007 Saturday 12:54 AM GMT


LENGTH: 593 words

HEADLINE: U.S. military chief sees anti-drug Plan Colombia a model for Afghanistan

BYLINE: By JOSHUA GOODMAN, Associated Press Writer



The United States’ top military official said Friday that American-backed anti-drug and counterinsurgent operations in Colombia the world’s largest producer of cocaine should serve as a “model” for the Afghan government.

Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Colombia’s campaign to “rid certain areas of terrorists” followed by relief and jobs programs for the poor was a “good model for (Afghan) President Hamid Karzai to consider as he looks at how to reduce the amount of drug trafficking in his country.”

Afghanistan has been plagued by skyrocketing heroin production. But critics say it would be a mistake for the country to duplicate Colombia’s model, which they say has been ineffective despite costing American taxpayers more than US$4 billion (euro3 billion) since 2000.

Pace’s comments, at the end of a two-day visit here, were made in the presence of William Wood, who on Thursday was nominated by the White House to become its next ambassador in Afghanistan.

Wood has served as U.S. ambassador to Bogota since 2003.

Pace also thanked the government of President Alvaro Uribe Washington’s staunchest ally in Latin America for the way “he has reached out to Karzai and his government to provide experience and teams of experts” in combatting drugs.

Colombia, at the urging of the United States, has sent several missions of police and anti-drug experts to train Afghan police and advise Kabul. Opium production in Afghanistan last year rose 49 percent enough to make about 670 tons (607 metric tons) of heroin.

Many Afghan oppose spraying herbicides to kill fields of poppies, which are used to make heroin. The method is seen as likely to anger farmers and scare local residents.

Afghanistan is the source of 90 percent of the world’s opium production, although Colombia is the main supplier of heroin to the United States.

In Colombia the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have financed their four-decade old leftist insurgency through the drug trade, while in Afghanistan rising poppy production is blamed for fueling an increase in Taliban-led attacks against U.S. troops.

Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos said Colombia “was more than willing to continue and increase” counter-narcotic cooperation with U.S., British and Afghan officials.

Since 2000, the U.S. government has provided Colombia with more than US$700 million (euro540 million) in annual military aid to chemically eradicate fields of coca the base ingredient of cocaine and train troops fighting the FARC. Another US$125 million (euro96 million) are devoted to humanitarian relief and programs to encourage poor farmers to switch to growing legal crops.

Colombia is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid outside the Middle East.

But despite record aerial eradication campaigns a cornerstone of the U.S.-backed anti-drug policy critics say the costly Plan Colombia has fallen well short of its goal to halve the country’s production of coca.

The latest U.S. government survey found 26 percent more land 144,000 hectares (355,000 acres) in 2005 dedicated to the plant than the previous year’s survey.

“It would be a disaster for Afghanistan if they were to copy the character and model of Plan Colombia,” Adam Isacson, an analyst at the Washington-based Center for International Policy, told The Associated Press.

“If Afghanistan began fumigating across its country, Colombia has shown us that after five or six years later you’ll have just as much drug crop being grown and a lot more angry people who don’t trust their government and continue to be poor,” he said.