A Day of Concern at York University for Tarek & John Sept 26 12:30pm Vari Hall

On Thursday 26 September at 12:30 p.m., President Mamdouh Shoukri will join other members of the York University community in front of Vari Hall to speak out for the release of John Greyson and Tarek Loubani from the Egyptian jail where they have been held without charges for nearly six weeks. They are now into their second week of a hunger strike.

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Demonstration tomorrow in Montréal, family and friends call for diplomatic action

Family and supporters of Tarek Loubani and John Greyson, two Canadians now a week into their hunger strike in Egyptian prison, will be protesting at the Egyptian Consulate in Montréal at 1pm this Tuesday September 24. Tarek and John have been in prison for more than a month, and supporters are demanding that calls from the Canadian government for their release be supported by real diplomatic action.

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Deputy PM of Egypt in Toronto this week?

Sept 22/13, 9:30am

A good friend of Tarek and John’s found this article in Bonjour Egypte:


The article, published yesterday, says that Egypt’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Cooperation, Zeyad Bahaa Eddine, is coming to Canada – specifically, to Toronto. He is coming to have “high level discussions” about “ways to support Canada-Egypt economic cooperation”.

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Demonstration at the Egyptian Consulate in MTL, Sept 24

Poster here (PDF)

Libérez Tarek et John! Free Tarek & John!
**Demonstration at the Egyptian Consulate**

Montréal, le mardi 24 septembre 2013, à 13h
1000 de la Gauchetière O.
(Metro Bonaventure, Rues Mansfield & de la Gauchetière)

[English version follows; facebook event page @

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#FreeTarekandJohn Rally London Ontario September 24!

Poster (JPG)

Supporters of John and Tarek will be hosting a peaceful rally in London, Ontario next week.

Join them at Victoria Park at 1pm on Tuesday, September 24th, and ask for the immediate release of Tarek & John!

For more information, visit the London Emergency Medicine website, or contact Amit Shah (amit.shahATme.com) and Andrew Jones (jonesmdATgmail.com).

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Tarek and John are on hunger strike

Canadians detained in Egypt refuse food to protest the arbitrary nature of their detention

September 16, 2013

For immediate release –

Canadian filmmaker, John Greyson, and emergency room physician, Tarek Loubani, have informed friends and supporters through their Egyptian lawyers that they will be refusing food beginning September the 16th to protest the arbitrary nature of their detention by Egyptian authorities.

Continue reading “Tarek and John are on hunger strike”