[More analysis of Wikileaks’s Afghan War Diary]
[More analysis of Wikileaks’s Afghan War Diary]
For “Pak” I think a quick map is in order. There were over 3000 hits, and many of them are references to coordination with the Pakistani military, and there’s lots more to look into there. The map itself shows, again perhaps unsurprisingly, a heavy emphasis on the areas on the Pakistani border. See below. Gray is roads, purple is incidents with “Pak” in the summary. Note that there are quite a few incidents inside Pakistani territory! I will look into those…
I also did searches on “Iran”, “India”, and “Pak” in the database. For Iran and India, a few hundred hits come up, but for Iran many of them are place names that happen to have the word “Iran” in them; others are weapon systems of Iranian vintage. So I’ll have to go through those more carefully to see what is really going on. India, too, I think there might be a US military unit called “Indian Co.” or something; there are also references to Indian road contractors and the Indian consulate. So, again, more detailed analysis is in order before throwing up a map.